anime anime |
answering machine rusuban denwa denwa: telephone |
antipyretic genetsu-zai |
apple ringo |
April shi gatsu shi: 4 |
area code (American English); dialling code (British English) shigai kyokuban shigai: out-of-town kyokuban: code (the group of numbers that come before a telephone number when you are calling from a different area) |
arrival card; entry card nyuukoku kaado kaado: card Kanji translation: nyuukoku: entry into a country |
arrival time touchaku jikoku touchaku: arrival |
art museum bijutsu-kan bijutsu: art |
Asakusa (in Tokyo) Asakusa -see picture on Wikipedia |
ashtray haizara hai: ash |
Atomic Bomb Dome (in Hiroshima) Genbaku doumu doumu: dome Kanji translation: genbaku: atomic bomb -see picture on Wikipedia |
aubergine; eggplant nasu |
August hachi gatsu hachi: 8 |
Australia ousutoraria |
automobile; car jidousha |
Autumn; Fall aki |